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About Texas Trucks Direct
Starting out as a two man service operation on April 1, 1982 Stephenville Truck Center served the need for a truck repair facility. Due to demand, we added an onsite Parts Department, it started out with a small inventory but in 1988 it was expanded from 800 square feet to 2,400 square feet!
The business continued its growth and was re-branded from Stephenville Truck Center to Truck, Ag & Auto in 1994. At that time the name reflected the needs of the community, a parts and service center for not only Truck, but Agriculture and Automotive. In January of 2000 Truck, Ag & Auto became incorporated.
In August of 2006 Truck, Ag & Auto purchased property next door. We remodeled the existing building and parts department (now to 6400 square feet), connected the existing building and built new offices and converted our service bay to 6000 square feet from its previous 2400 square feet.
It wasn’t always easy for us. In December of 2013 an ice storm caused our shop roof to collapse. Yes you read that right, ice damage to a building in Texas! The only salvageable portion of our shop was the pad and it was rebuilt from the ground up. The silver lining was we were able to create a more modern and updated service shop.
In September of 2017 we made several new additions. We built a larger back parts counter area, we built an improved Service Writer office with easier visibility and we updated our waiting room with WiFi, and TV with Netflix to enhance our client’s experience.
Due to the decline of the agriculture industry in our area as well as a decline in automotive clients, we decided to return to or roots. Trucks. We know them inside and out and is truly our specialty and passion. The business name Truck, Ag & Auto no longer represented our business. After months of research the name Texas Trucks Direct was born. We love Texas, we love Trucks and we are your direct source for all your parts and service needs.
We want to thank all of the staff, past and present, who helped and those who continue to help build this business. But most importantly, we want to thank our clients. Without you there is no Texas Trucks Direct. Your continued patronage has allowed us to grow leaps and bounds over the years and we look forward to taking Texas Trucks Direct and growing it alongside all our staff and clients.